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Thought Leadership 思想领袖

How Chinese SMEs Could Have An Impact?


Wall Street Journal Chinese, July 2012


The article argues that Chinese SMEs could have a positive environmental and social impact in the country, without counting on much government and policy support they can get.


Conversation with Greenspan on Global Economy Trends


​Globe Biweekly, Xinhua News Agency, March 2008


ACBridge met with former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan during the 2008 financial crisis to discuss global economy trends and impact on China.​ 





M&A Megatrends of Global Carriers and China Revelations

China M&A Review,August 2007

ACBridge authored and published a Chinese-language white paper on global M&A trends in the telecom sector and their implications for Chinese carriers. It is recommended at the end that Chinese carriers should not be shy about entering the global competitive landscape themselves. 



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